10:00 AM at Collingwood Annex
We gather each Sunday to remind one another that we’re part of a bigger story written by a good and loving God.
Our service uses Anglican liturgy (structured prayer) because this walks us through the wonderful story of what Jesus Christ has done for us in his life, death, and resurrection. The music, readings, prayers, and participation are arranged in a sequence so that we rehearse the good news of God’s free gift of salvation to us. Don’t worry, when you visit, you won’t be the only one who’s new to Anglican worship, or Christianity.
Where to Park?

- Enter from Ormidale St.
- Park in stalls marked “Reserved 24 hours CNH”
- Access the Church using the elevator.


Kid's Ministry
We would love to welcome your children to our church! Come and visit our Kid’s sign in table when you arrive.
You can also pre-register here.
Children begin in the main service, and are then invited to join “Kids Church” for about 40 minutes in the middle of the service. This gives our youngest members the chance to encounter, wonder about, and worship Jesus through play, movement, story, song, and art. Children return just before the final hymn or a bit earlier if it’s a communion service.
We offer two groups for children; 3-7 and 7-11 years old. A parent supervised play area is also available at the back of the church for our youngest members.
We also love our teens and provide opportunities for mentorship, service, and participation in our Sunday services and mid-week groups.
Why Worship?
The word worship simply means to honour or recognize someone’s worth or value.
As Christians, we believe that no one is more worthy of honour than God who made everything we see and don’t see. But true worship doesn’t follow a certain formula and it can’t be forced or manipulated. It’s a joyful response of love and gratitude only possible when we’ve heard and received the extravagant good news of God’s love for us through his Son, Jesus Christ.
Sometimes you’ll hear Christians call church a “worship service” and that might sound strange. But the truth is that we all regularly practice worship. That feeling you get when you “unbox” a new Apple product, or when you sing and cheer for your favourite team or musician in a stadium with thousands of other fans? That’s just another type of worship. It’s human nature to worship what we love, and Christians believe that if God created us and rescues us from sin and brokenness then he deserves our first love.
And the reality is that worship is best done in community. Sure, you can watch church occasionally from home, or read the bible on your own, but God has made us social for a reason! We’re meant to belong and laugh and cry and play and worship together. Come and find out for yourself.